Sunday, October 5, 2008


I want to be able to say i love you and i want to hear you say it back. I do love you, and not being able to say so is making me go crazy. Why do i always want something i cant have.. Or something that is just going to screw me over in the end anyways, but hey.. thats nothing new. Maybe im stupid.... or maybe im STUPID! I cant fucking help it, i really really cant. Its almost as if I know what im getting myself into AGAIN, i knoww its gunna hurt me, and i know it would be best for me to avoid it, but i just cant and i dont know why.

1 comment:

Kori Rockwell said...

In your mind you have played up this love to be more than it is. Since it has already been formatted in your mind it is no longer pure, thus causing you to see the situation differently. I know I do this, or did this, when I wanted to keep something/someone but I really shouldn't have. It's a little like getting off crack (not that I would know). Don't play it up in your mind as a wonderful feeling, but remember it as what it was. Ex: Crack [insert your situation here] destroyed my body, mind, and spirit ... it caused me to view the world in a strange manner that did not benefit me ... it caused me to lose sight of the things I love and what I should be focusing on, things that benefit my life for the better.

Other than that, if that interests you or not, I enjoy reading your blog.