Saturday, November 22, 2008


Most people spend their entire lives looking for things that never have and never will exist. You would expect them to realize theyre living in a fantasy. I think you would call this hope? You'll find people searching for love, but the only time you ever see 'love' is in movies.. Then theres people who search for a doorway to a perfect life. Again, ive only ever seen such thing's in movies. Life is not perfect and life is not always what you expect it to be. Why spend your time having fictional hopes that will eventually be crushed with reality like everything else. In the long run your just hurting yourself, but isnt that what we always do? People expect too much out of life. How do you even know this universe was made for us? What make's you think we were ment to be happy? Enjoy your fantasy.. let's see how long it'll last. Im stuck in reality.

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