Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Surely you've heard the saying 'Fight for what you want'. That's all I've ever been doing in my life.. and I'm just worn out from it. I completely understand that you have to fight to get the things and people you want in your life, but should you have to keep doing that to hold on to them as well? Is that fair? ..haha wait, stupid question.. I already know life isn't fair. I've kind of already stopped reaching for the things i want, but I have been fighting to hold onto the bit I have. So along with that I'm starting to give up on holding on too. I give up on holding onto my friends, holding onto grades, and holding onto any hope or happiness. Ah, What can I even say? I guess I'm a quitter, but why should I be something otherwise? Thing's really only ever get worse for me. When i gather my hope to keep moving on I just get slapped in the face. How many time's can you expect a person to keep doing that? Sometimes I wonder how other people would handle my life.. that maybe I'm just weak, another reason I'm disappointed in myself. I nowhere fit my standards for a human being. I wish I had reason to not be so negative.. or something to at least give me a little inspiration. I'm not an easily inspired person nor will I ever be good enough. I give up with writing this post too. That is a frequently used phrase of mine, isnt it? 'i give up'.

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